Marshmallow Memories

I don’t know about you guys, but I always struggle to get presents for my lad mates. It’s always so difficult and sometimes I think a voucher to a game or clothing shop is a little bit of a ‘meh’ present. Sometimes it’s nice to give something a little bit quirky, which is how I came across the company Boomf.

Boomf takes nine images which you select from your friends (or your own) Instagram and cleverly reproduces the photographs onto marshmallows. It was so quick and easy to sign up and select the images I wanted to use; the brighter/clearer the image, the better result you achieve.


My marshmallows arrived two days after ordering, so even needing them at last minute is still doable with their fantastic delivery service. As you can see they arrived presented in a cute little box with a paper copy of the images on top.

The marshmallows are completely edible, although some people might not want to eat them because they’re so cool! This brilliant idea created by Kate Middleton’s brother is bound to continue to be successful as it’s popularity grows. At £12 for 9 mallows with free delivery I know I’ll definitely be ordering more for friends, gifts and maybe just a treat too! Hopefully my friend Sam will like them, if not I’ll gladly have them back…yum!

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